It is often believed that putting the dishes in the dishwasher will automatically clean them. In reality, all it takes is a natural remedy. Let’s see what it is.
Brighter cymbals
Lemon in the dishwasher –
To get the dishes really clean, you need to take care of the dishwasher.
The dishwasher: a great ally
If you had to name an appliance that you can’t do without, you would probably name the dishwasher. It is a great ally in the kitchen and has certainly saved the lives and dinners of many of us with family and friends. But too often, its operation is taken for granted.
People wrongly think that all it takes is to load the machine, add the right detergent and salt for it to work properly. Yes, the very salt that prevents limescale from depositing on glasses and other dishes.
Lemon in the dishwasher
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