Hang a Clothespin Over Your Shower: Once You Know This, You’ll Always Do It
Discover everyday life hacks that can make a big difference. This ingenious bathroom freshening technique is a game changer. Find out what happens when you use it in your shower.
Transform Your Shower Experience with a Simple Clothespin
This unusual method might surprise you. It involves using a clothespin, but not for hanging clothes. Instead, it can change the way you shower.
What Happens When You Use a Clothespin in the Bathroom?
While a clothespin is traditionally used for drying clothes, it has another lesser-known use that may astonish you. This clever technique helps eliminate shower odors while infusing the space with a pleasant fragrance. Enjoy an invigorating, spa-like experience with a subtle, delicate scent.
Wooden Clothespins: Your New Bathroom Companion
To use this brilliant trick, you’ll need a wooden clothespin and a bottle of essential oil, like eucalyptus, lemon, or mandarin. Start by soaking the clothespin with a few drops of the essential oil. Then, simply hang it on your showerhead or shower curtain while showering or bathing. The steam will release a sweet fragrance throughout your bathroom, ensuring relaxation and a sense of well-being.
More Uses for a Wooden Clothespin
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How Many Of You Can Recall This Vintage Kitchen Gadget From The Past?
Boil six lemons and consume the resulting liquid immediately upon waking up; you’ll be astonished by the positive effects!
My Swedish friend showed me this recipe, and it’s been our fave way of making balls since!
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