– Make the béchamel sauce:
– In a large enough saucepan (so that the milk can fit in), melt the butter.
– Add the flour and mix the roux.
– Once it becomes frothy, stop cooking and let it cool.
– Bring the milk to the boil.
– Using a whisk, mix half of the boiling milk with the cold roux and whisk well (off the heat).
– Slowly pour in the rest of the milk while continuing to stir, the cream should be smooth.
– Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
– Put the saucepan on the heat and bring to the boil while stirring.
– Let it boil slowly while stirring for about 5 minutes.
• For the croque-monsieur:
Turtle Candy with Pecans and Caramel
Pepper salad with ham & cheese
Tasty Meatballs in Creamy Sauce
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So good! The kids love these so much that we often need to not double, but triple this recipe. Yup, not a typo
Hamburger Potato Casserole Recipe
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