Elway, who has always prided himself on being a leader both on and off the field, has watched the league’s growing discord with concern. Sources close to the coach say that he’s been frustrated by the way the anthem protests have overshadowed the game itself, turning what was once a unifying ritual into a source of division.
“Elway’s a football guy through and through,” said a Broncos insider. “He’s never been one for distractions, and he genuinely believes that the focus should be on the game, not on politics. To him, the anthem is a moment to honor the country, not to make a political statement.”
Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes
If it were up to me, I’d relish this dish every day.
LOW CARB CRACK SLAW: A Flavorful Twist on a Classic Dish
Beef Noodle Soup
Try this delicious dish – it’s guaranteed to be gone in 7 seconds
Say goodbye to bed bugs on your curtains – one spray of this ingredient and they’ll be gone in an instant!
At 60 and No Longer Have Wrinkles! My Grandmother Removed All the Wrinkles from Her Face with Cream from Onion Peels
My fave! Can’t believe I just need 4 ingredients for it!
Quick and Easy No-Flour Banana Dessert Delight