For more than two decades, The View has seen its share of arguments, heated exchanges, and viral moments. From Whoopi Goldberg’s legendary eye rolls to Joy Behar’s on-air tirades, there has never been a shortage of drama at the table. But as the show’s tone became more combative, its place in daytime TV became increasingly polarizing.
And it seems that ABC has finally had enough.
“We wanted spirited debate,” the CEO explained. “What we didn’t sign up for was a daily battleground where everyone leaves angrier than they came in. It’s like watching a Thanksgiving dinner argument that never ends—and frankly, the turkey’s overcooked.”
Many are asking why, after more than 25 seasons, ABC has chosen now to cancel one of its most iconic shows. According to insiders, the decision wasn’t made overnight, but rather was the result of years of escalating tension behind the scenes and in the public eye.
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