In what could only be described as one of the most awkward moments in late-night television, Minnesota Governor and Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz was unceremoniously booted from Real Time with Bill Maher after a less-than-flattering confrontation with the show’s notoriously blunt host. The headline moment? Maher, after grilling Walz on his political record, looked him dead in the eye and declared, “You’re a disappointment,” before having him escorted off the set.
The event unfolded so quickly that audience members were left wondering if it was part of some elaborate prank. Alas, it wasn’t. It was a classic Bill Maher moment, where political pleasantries were thrown out the window and replaced with a dose of sharp-edged reality.
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Fantastic recipe! Saw a neighbor bring this to a block party, and everyone went bonkers for it!
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Tex-Mex Baked Beans
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Cook up creamy ‘angel’ chicken in a slow cooker with just 10 mins of prep