A rude millionaire who believed money could buy anything demolished a poor old man’s house to build a mall. While checking the ruins later, he accidentally found his childhood photo among the rubble.Can a person’s greed for riches blind them so miserably that they destroy someone else’s dreams to build theirs? In July 2021, Florida-based real estate tycoon Elliot Morris happened to shatter a poor old man’s dreams to fulfill his pursuit of wealth. Elliot was looking for a perfect landscape to build a deluxe mall in the city when his eyes fell upon old Joe Brooke’s land.
Sally Field, 76
Say goodbye to marks on the floor! With just 3 tablespoons everything will shine
Patty Melts with Secret Sauce
My Husband Yelled at My Birthday Party That I Was Too Old to Want — My Friend Took Revenge on My Behalf
Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe
This Photo Is Not Edited Look Closer. Color Photographs Capture Street Life of the U.S in the 1970s