Stella finally made it to her business class seat on the plane. But one man didn’t want to sit next to her and told the flight attendant that the older woman should be in economy class. The stewardess declined his request, and Stella was able to take her seat. Afterward, Stella told the most bittersweet story of her life.“I don’t want to sit next to that… woman!” Franklin Delaney almost yelled at the flight attendant who had accompanied an older woman and told him she was seated next to him. “Sir, this is her seat. We can’t do anything about it,” the stewardess said gently, trying to persuade the businessman who had a scowl on his face.“That can’t be true. These seats are way too expensive, and she couldn’t possibly afford one! Look at her clothes!” Franklin almost yelled, pointing at the older woman’s clothes. Stella was ashamed. She was wearing her best clothes and hated that others knew her outfit was cheap.
Ground Beef Casserole
Delicious recipe for baked sea bream with roasted vegetables
Carpet cleaning, the method to do it directly from home: nothing more than washing clothes
Another celebrity has announced that she is leaving the country.
My Sister Took Back the Car She Sold Me After I Upgraded It, So I Taught Her a Lesson
Tonight will be the 3rd time we are making these ‘bliss’ bars week. It’s so crazy good
Arrogant Passenger Reclined His Seat in My Face – I Gave Him Payback That Made Him Retreat Fast
Cheesy Pork Chop Casserole Recipe