When Penelope’s in-laws wanted her twins to spend time with their grandparents, she reluctantly allowed it, with her husband convincing her they could spend time together. But when Penelope phoned to check in on her girls, she discovered something horrific. It all started innocently enough. My husband, Seth, and I decided to take our twin girls, Ava and Blair, to visit his parents for the weekend.Seth’s parents, Paul and Linda, lived not too far away from us, but they were surrounded by rolling hills and endless fields. “The girls should love it,” Seth said. “They’ll love the flower bushes and everything. And also, they haven’t really spent a lot of time with my parents, so this is going to be good.” “Yeah,” I replied. “I guess so.
What a saucy delight! Just seeing this pic makes me wanna eat more!
This was a staple from Granny every year, and I always spaced on taking notes. Super pumped to find a close match!
Twice Baked Potato Casserole
Breaking: James Woods Calls Whoopi Goldberg “One of the Worst Personalities on TV”
The best Crepes ever
My Entitled Neighbor Told Me to Get Rid of My Solar Garden Lights or She’d Sue Me — Karma Hit Her Back the Next Day
Recipe for a Gluten-Free, Low-Sugar Dessert That Will Help You Lose Weight!