Mia, a single mom, finally felt a flicker of hope with her new boyfriend, Jake. Their weekend getaway to his childhood beach house seemed idyllic. But when her son Luke stumbles upon a hidden box filled with bones, their picture-perfect escape takes a horrifying turn. Hi, I’m Mia, and I work as a fourth-grade teacher. It’s a job I love, not just because I get to mold young minds, but also because it gives me the flexibility to spend time with my son, Luke.Being a single mother isn’t easy, but for five years now, I’ve managed to raise Luke mostly on my own. His dad, well, let’s just say “present” isn’t a word I’d use. Weekends with Dad were more like a distant memory for him than a regular occurrence. Things finally started to feel a little lighter four months ago.
Why you should put 2 bay leaves under your pillow before going to bed
Spaghetti salad with turkey breast and cheese
Bay leaf in laundry detergent, for very fragrant clothes: use it like this
BREAKING: 11 teams in the NFL are REJECTING pride month!!!
Garlic bread
Strawberry Cheesecake 😍
Life just got easier. I can’t believe I found this recipe! Life-saver and so tasty!
Shiny floors without chemicals: Discover the cleaning companies’ secret!