My baby girl usually visits her father on some weekends, but what happened this time had my heart racing. Our daughter asked to talk to me over the phone and used our code word, alerting me that she needed a way out. Here’s why having code words is an important trick to keep our kids safe. When I was a little girl, my mother taught me how to use a code word if I was in trouble and couldn’t speak up. As an adult, I decided to impart this brilliant method to my baby girl. I figured she could use it to get out of sleepovers or if she had awkward hangouts. But I never imagined her needing to use it so soon.
Thanks for your SHARES!
One-Pot Creamy Garlic Butter Beef Pasta
My daughter-in-law made this for brunch and I requested the recipe immediately. No leftovers!
Apple Cream Cheese Pie
Apple Fritters with Maple Glaze
Learned this from my Italian mama, and it is a huge hit with our family!
Late-Night Light Battle: How I Won Without Starting a Feud
Dissolved in water and placed in the washing machine: This product guarantees shiny laundry
Slow Cooker Ravioli Lasagna
Found this hidden behind a cabinet in our new home. What is it used for?