The Ingenious Trick to Make Your Bathtub as Clean as on the First Day
Cleaning the house always requires extra effort, especially when dirt and germs accumulate in various elements and appliances. The bathtub is often prone to black spots, bacteria, and germs that develop over time. The cause: traces of soap or products regularly used in the bathroom, limescale, hair clogging the pipes, mold spots, etc. No wonder your bathtub sometimes looks gloomy!
This can obviously be problematic and even harmful to our health and hygiene, as we still spend a lot of time there. The bathtub is a temple of relaxation and well-being. It is also the place where we take care of ourselves, where we often wash our body and our hair. Therefore, sanitary hygiene should be impeccable to avoid possible skin aggressions. The solution? Just good cleaning. It’s better to maintain it regularly so that dirt or limescale residues do not permanently crust.
To prevent dirt from accumulating in the bathtub, there are special products on the market. However, these have chemical components that can attack and damage the bathtub’s coatings over time. We can never prove enough, there’s nothing better than using natural and ecological products.
To make your bathtub shine, here are some simple, effective, and economical tips.
You will need:
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