Cleaning the mop is one of the most complicated things to do . How to get it back into decent condition? We finally have an answer to this question. The secret of the most experienced housewives is revealed.
All you need to do is simply carry out this cleaning technique and you will have a mop like new. First of all, get a bucket that is big enough and, above all, tall. Take some soap of any type, even the one generally used for laundry, and start grating it: pour some into a bowl to which you will add a cup of white vinegar.
Next, add half a liter of water and mix everything . Put the solution on a stove over low heat for 5 minutes. Once the solution has cooled, add half a cup of baking soda and begin stirring.
At this point, take your mop and place it inside a bucket, then pour the solution you have created until it covers your mop. Add, which is absolutely necessary for whitening, half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and, using circular motions, wet the mop completely.
Once this step is done, shave it well and admire the result: in a short time it will be shiny and clean again as if you had just bought it. Did you know this technique? Many women use it to thoroughly clean the house and, above all, to make the mop super clean again, which continues to prove to be a valuable help in cleaning the home.
However, we also have another trick that we are sure will change your life. To keep your mop clean, you can also make this recipe . Take a bucket and pour 500 ml of boiling water into it. Next, add two tablespoons of fine salt and one tablespoon of dish soap.
Mix it all together and always submerge your mop: let it sit in the solution for a few minutes , then take it out of the bucket and start wringing it. She will remain perfectly white, as if she had never seen dirt.
With these cleaning techniques, your housework will become really quick and easy. You will also be able to avoid changing the mop more than twice a month: you will also save a lot of money. .
With this remedy, your mopping broom will be clean and shiny at all times < and especially in a very short time. Sometimes, it takes very little to solve some of the household problems that can waste our time.
See how easy it is? In the blink of an eye, you will not only have your house clean, but also with a new look. Cleaning with your floor sweeper will also allow you to speed up your household tasks.
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