All-natural homemade fabric softener. Very effective, more so than industrial ones.
There is nothing more beautiful than scented clothes that give us a wonderful feeling of cleanliness and freshness, and if we could also have an ecological product, without chemicals, it would be even better. Fabric softener is undoubtedly one of the detergents we use most in our homes and few people know that it takes very little to make it.
And as I said in a previous article: by using solid shampoo, 552 million fewer plastic bottles would be produced… If each one of us paid attention, even with a little recycling and some simple precautions, the results would be great.
All-natural homemade fabric softener. Very effective, more so than industrial ones.
There are many brands in stores with various fragrances, but they contain chemicals that are harmful to our skin, so let’s see how we can make our own ecological fabric softener .
100 g of baking soda ,
200 ml of hot water,
800 ml of apple cider vinegar;
A few drops of essential oil of our favorite fragrance
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