When a potentially fatal situation arose, Shaun Cunningham—a father watching a baseball game between the Braves and the Pirates with his 8-year-old son, Landon—became an instant hero. A baseball bat fell out of the batter’s hands as he was enjoying the game and was flying into the stands, straight at Landon’s face. Shaun quickly rushed to block and divert the bat out of the way, acting like a parent and save his son from an otherwise catastrophic blow.
Carrot Cake Roll with Cream Cheese Frosting Filling 😍
Tourtière (French Canadian Meat Pie)
Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce
Tennessee Peach Pudding
Stuffed Cabbage rolls
Funfetti Millionaire Cake
Neighbor Handyman Came to Fix My Broken Window – What He Left behind in My Garden Was Unthinkable
My Entitled Parents Demanded That I Give Them My New House — My In-Laws Suddenly Stood up for Me