Pierce Brosnan, a famous actor, attended the Oscar Wilde Awards in Santa Monica, California, with his wife Keely Shaye Brosnan. They walked the red carpet together in matching black outfits. Brosnan, known for his roles in James Bond movies and other films, was honored at the event alongside Molly Shannon and Richard Baneham, who worked on Avatar.
Brosnan, described as an actor, producer, environmentalist, and philanthropist, has had a successful career both in front of and behind the camera. He married Keely in 2001, and they have two sons together. Brosnan spoke about the strength of their marriage, emphasizing their love and shared experiences.
My man is totally obsessed with this dish. He’s on my case to whip it up weekly.
These are eaten and I get a crumb; they never survive a minute out of the oven.
Cajun Shrimp Pasta with Sausage
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World famous Reality TV star found dead this morning at her home
Unveiling the Secret: Why You Shouldn’t Boil Mashed Potatoes and the Best Method to Make Them
A few drops are enough for mice and rats to leave forever: they are no longer in the house, cellar or garage!
Tasty Meatballs in Creamy Sauce