5 Tips for a Perfect Pavlova
Make sure your mixing bowl is squeaky clean.
Use older eggs and separate them carefully to ensure absolute no yolk mixes with the whites.
Separate eggs while cold, but let them sit to come to room temperature before whipping. Cold eggs separate more easily and room temperature whites will whip up better.
Use a deep, narrow bowl to ensure that the beater are well in to the egg whites, to whip them up most efficiently.
Whip until your sugar is fully dissolved your sugar. Using superfine sugar helps. If you only have regular sugar, you can run it through a food processor before using, to make finer grains.
Lemon Curd Pavlova
A delicious, light and fresh dessert, with a meringue base and a light lemon curd topping. Garnished with fresh lemon slices, blueberries, mint leaves and powdered sugar.
prep time: 15MINUTES MINScook time: 1HOUR HR 30MINUTES MINStotal time: 1HOUR HR 45MINUTES MINS
yield: 8 PEOPLE ½
My grandma has been making this for as long
Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars
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Outback Steakhouse Alice Springs Chicken
Most folks do this wrong. So glad I saw this
I’ve tried this recipe multiple times and can never get enough of the sauce
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