1. Pour flour, eggs, salt, oil, vinegar, and water into a mixing bowl. Knead the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes.
2. Divide the dough into 12 parts. Let stand for 15 minutes.
3. Stretch the dough with a roller. Place the layers of dough in a greased pan.
4. Top each layer with melted butter. When you have arranged half the layers, sprinkle with nuts. Continue arranging the layers all the way, then cut the cake into cubes. Bake at 360F/180C for 60 minutes.
5. Prepare a syrup of sugar, water and lemon juice. Pour over the cake, then serve
Enjoy the Crunch: Homemade Classic Egg Roll Recipe
To Make This Takeout Staple, All You Need Is A Slow Cooker, Some Chopped Chicken, And Some Brown Sugar.
Creamy no-bake lemon cake with mascarpone:
I find it hard to reconcile that these are so delicious and made with just 2 ingredients
Strawberry crunch pound cake
Sugar-free ice cream in 5 minutes! No cream! No milk! HEALTHY dessert!
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Cowboy Stew
Delicious Homemade Mashed Potatoes with Cheesy Broccoli, Steak, and Garlic Shrimp