Cherry tomatoes are sun lovers; they love the warmth of the sun. Make sure your container garden gets at least six to eight hours of sunshine every day by placing it in a sunny place. Strong growth and abundant harvest are fueled by sufficient sunshine.
Watering Tip: Find a happy medium between over-and under-watering. Make sure the earth is slightly damp, but not soggy. When in doubt, water when the top inch of soil seems dry to the touch; of course, this can be adjusted according to the weather.
Cherry tomato plants require a balanced liquid fertilizer applied every two to three weeks according to the label’s instructions for optimal growth. Switch to a fertilizer high in potassium once flowering starts so you can encourage fruit development.
Pruning Like a Pro: To promote healthy growth, pinch off any suckers that appear where the stems and leaves meet. With this careful trimming, the plant’s resources are channeled into fruiting.
To ensure your tomato plant has a sturdy base to grow on, secure it to its container with a stake or a tomato cage. To guarantee correct growth, gently fasten the main stem to the support.
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