Wash the floor with this mixture, it will smell for several days and the scent will be felt from the stairs!
Cleaning the floors at home is essential, you need to wash them thoroughly and disinfect them properly. Instead of using the classic cleaning products available on the market, prepare a very simple floor cleaner! Learn how to make the perfect DIY mix.
Scented floor for several days – your scent will be felt from the stairs!
To perfectly clean and perfume the floors of your home, we recommend that you prepare a DIY detergent. Before proceeding to prepare the solution, you must obtain the following ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons of eco-friendly fabric softener based on eucalyptus and essential oils (or one of your choice)
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 3 cups of water
Baked zucchini chips
Hearty Baked Cabbage and Ground Beef with Parmesan Potatoes
Homemade Pineapple Soft-Serve Ice Cream
His ranch became the perfect escape for him. Doing grunt work, clearing bushes, and planting about a thousand trees lets Tom Selleck stay fit better than any gym.
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The Most Fluffy and Buttery Biscuits Ever
Steak entrecôte aux oignons caramélisés et purée de pommes de terre
Tropical Mango Strawberry Swirled Slushies