Under no circumstances should you cut your orchid, as it may no longer have lush, generous flowers. Here is what this mistake that many often make consists of.
Orchids are plants that we frequently find in homes today. In fact, their colors illuminate the environment in which they are placed. There are around 25,000 species in nature and each needs specific characteristics. But let’s start by saying that to have healthy orchids, certain factors must be taken into account for their maintenance.
Among these are certainly the temperature, position and light they must receive. The ideal temperature at which orchids should stay is around 20°C and it is important to place them in a place where they will not be exposed to sudden temperature changes, for example near the heater or a Open window.
Another aspect is light. Orchids should never receive direct sunlight, this must be filtered, otherwise the plant risks dying. Orchids often have roots that are not in the ground, but so-called aerial roots. It has been known that someone makes the mistake of cutting them, which results in the death of the plant.
Orchid: never cut the aerial roots
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