How long to Grill Portobello Mushrooms
Cooking times will vary based on the size of the mushrooms. For small mushrooms pictured here the mushrooms will be cooked through in 10-12 minutes. Just remember to check the mushrooms in 2 minute increments until they are fork tender and the cheese has melted.
How to clean mushrooms?
Mushrooms can be a bit tricky to clean because they are delicate, so scrubbing them isn’t an option. Here are my best tips for quickly cleaning a batch of mushrooms with minimal effort.
- Place the mushrooms in a large bowl and cover with cold water. Using your hands gently rub the mushrooms. You will be shocked at how much dirt and grit easy comes off the mushrooms! Don’t let the mushrooms sit too long to avoid compromising the texture, this whole process should take about 5 minutes.
- Drain off the dirty water and wipe any remaining dirt with a clean, damp paper towel.
Mississippi Pot Roast (Slow Cooker, Stovetop, or Instant Pot)
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