I realised that my blog has been neglected greatly. (cry!) My last posting was almost a year ago. Seems like nowadays I have to schedule my time around my son’s exams in school. Just when you thought you have a bit of spare time, something always comes up or the next exam is coming soon and all free time will be used up doing studies and revision. If it’s not exam month, it’s extra income work, making sure you spend enough time with your kids (although they’re very happy just watching Nickelodeon) house cleaning and sorting out tons of items on your to-do-list that had been stagnant for months.
Cooking also had been catering more to survival rather than experimental. There’s still lots of recipes that I wanna try out but when I think about how I have to make it look presentable for pictures and then what if my experimental dishes does not entice my kids, who’s going to eat all that hard work, working out the recipes and writing about them…it starts to get bothersome. But I realise this is all in my own head.
You’ll be kicking yourself for not discovering this delightful and hassle-free recipe sooner—it’s that good
Breaking: Jason Aldean Refuses to Let Jack Black On Stage, “Never With This Woke Creep”
Traditional Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce: A Timeless Dessert from Grandma’s Kitchen
Here’s how to preserve lemons for a whole year: even fresher and more delicious
Elon Musk To Fund New Anti-Woke Show Featuring Tucker Carlson: “We Need More Journalists Like Tucker Carlson And Less Like Rachel Maddow!”
Homemade Flour Tortillas!